


发生了什么:365足彩下载和它的官员们在努力工作, 并将继续, in addressing the challenges and demands of North Carolina’s communities and how it all comes together for the state as the whole.

单词含义:今天(星期五), the League’s new Task Force on the Impact of City Leaders on 种族权益 held its first meeting, 我们将在本期简报中介绍的. The goal of the 14-member task force 由365足彩下载董事会创建 is better understanding and improving local policies that affect racial equity.

说到进球, we have an update on the League’s legislative policy process and the amazing amount of participation our cities and towns have already played in it. A committee co-chaired by Sylva 市长 Lynda Sossamon and Kings Mountain 市长 Scott Neisler is moving us closer to voting on top priorities for the next legislative biennium.

THE SKINNY: Read on for full details and on these and other updates as we continue to weather the challenges together. 谢谢你所做的一切.​

​The League’s Task Force on the Impact of City Leaders on 种族权益 held its first meeting today, establishing a goal of assisting cities in better understanding and improving local policies that affect racial equity. 由14人组成的特别工作组, 由365足彩下载董事会创建, plans to meet into the spring and produce practical recommendations that all cities and towns can use to address racial inequities. “Our intent is to identify tangible actions each municipality can take when it comes to these challenges,NCLM主席兼工作组联合主席詹妮弗·罗宾逊说, 凯里镇的市议员. “特别, we want to ask and answer the following question: What are the ways NCLM can help our members have the tools and information they need to address racial equity and related issues for their cities and towns?”

罗宾逊和共同主席比尔·哈里斯, an NCLM board member and member of the Fuquay-Varina Board of Commissioners, 将领导小组. “人们对这个特别工作组充满热情,哈里斯说。, 增加工作量既重要又具有挑战性. “If we can continue the dialogue and move through what may at times be uncomfortable situations, 我们将是无敌的.”

其他成员包括:丹尼斯·巴伯, 市长, Newport; Michael Bell, 委员会成员, Wilson; Steve Rao, 委员会成员, Morrisville; Preston Blakely, Fletcher; Valerie Jones, 市长筹备, Sedalia; Bobby Kilgore, 市长, Monroe; Jeff MacIntosh, 委员会成员, Winston-Salem;  Mark Anthony Middleton, 委员会成员, Durham; Malcolm Graham, 委员会成员, Charlotte; Pat Taylor, 市长, Highlands; Monica Daniels, 委员会成员, Greenville; and Brenda Lyerly, 市长, 横幅麋鹿.

在第一次会议上, NCLM 执行董事 Paul Meyer expressed gratitude to all members for serving. He noted that cities and towns are best positioned to address primary issues around racial equity. “城市和城镇面临的风险更大. 我们的成员——民选官员和工作人员——看到了影响。. Harris said bringing together a cross-section of local leaders from around the state is crucial in finding the best approaches. “希望通过这次会议,我们能够达成共识,向前迈进.“全国城市365足彩下载的工作人员参与了这场比赛, 公平和领导倡议将协助工作队的工作.

​We’ve reported in this Bulletin in recent weeks on our biennial legislative goals process, 这是基于北卡罗来纳州城镇的直接投入, 我们很自豪地指出,我们在这项工作中已经达到了一个了不起的地步. Taking the lead is a 65-member 立法政策委员会 led by co-chairs Lynda Sossamon, 西尔瓦的市长, 还有斯科特·奈斯勒, 国王山的市长, and they’ve already invested crucial hours reviewing and organizing the individual goals that our cities and towns have submitted individually.

这不是一个小堆栈. 截止日期前(现已过了), we received 455 ideas from 115 municipalities culminating in more than 80 distinct goals. More involvement means more engagement by city officials around the state to help reach these goals, 迈向成功的一大步.

市长s Sossamon and Neisler and the rest of the 立法政策委员会 are continuing the diligent work on the goals process so all member cities and towns will soon have the chance to vote for their top priorities. 请继续关注未来几周的更多信息.

N.C. Pandemic Recovery Office (NC PRO) will hold another update call, set for Nov. 下午两点17分.m., with local governments to provide recent information related to the 冠状病毒 Relief Fund. 这通电话将以Q为特色&帮助地方政府敲定计划的会议.

来电信息已直接通过电子邮件发送给共青团成员. If you did not receive this information or have any questions concerning the calls, 请给365足彩下载的克里斯·奈达发邮件 cnida@p8157.com

从 家乡强, the state government initiative focused on the needs of rural North Carolina, 接下来是一些与商业相关的冠状病毒救援计划的最新进展, 房东, 公用事业客户:

N.C. Housing Opportunities and Prevention of Evictions (HOPE) Program:  No additional applications for funding are being accepted. 希望计划的资金是通过美国政府提供给该州的.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant−冠状病毒 Response and U.S. 财政部冠状病毒救援拨款. 到目前为止, North Carolina has directed $167 million to the HOPE Program and will close the application period to ensure necessary funds for current applicants. 自10月10日开始申请以来. 15, 超过37个,000人通过该计划申请了援助, 哪一项预计会耗尽目前分配的资金. State officials are working to obtain additional funding to ensure that even more North Carolinians receive pandemic-related financial assistance. nc211.org/hope.

N.C. 商务MURR计划:11月生效.12, full-service restaurants can apply for rent or mortgage interest relief from the N.C. 抵押贷款、公用事业和租金减免计划(MURR),由联邦政府管理.C. 商务部. The MURR program can provide up to $20,000 in relief funds per qualifying business location. Business and nonprofit applicants from certain industry sectors that have not been able to operate during the COVID period may apply for up to two of their business locations. 详细信息和申请材料可在网上查询 nccommerce.com/murr.

N.C. Commerce CBDG CV program:  The North Carolina 商务部’s Rural Economic Development Division has had tremendous interest in the N.C. 冠状病毒(cdbgcv)计划.  目前,要求提供的资金已大大超过28美元.500万可用.  不接受其他申请. 如果有额外的资金可用,N.C. 商务部将尽快发出通知. 

重整工具奖助金的最新情况, in partnership with The Institute and Carolina Small Business Development Fund:  信息 from the Institute and Carolina Small Business Development Fund indicate the application is closed due to high demand. Businesses can still seek certification as a HUB-Historically Underutilized Business from Department of Administration or a DBE-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise from DOT to become eligible for any additional funds that may be allocated.