


新任命的联邦通信委员会(FCC)主席 他说,他赞成制定优先于地方政府行动的规定 50号公路文章 本周早些时候. Federal law allows the FCC to preempt any state or local law 那 prohibits, 或者具有禁止的效果, 任何实体提供电信服务的能力. 唐纳德·特朗普总统 任命了长期担任FCC委员和律师的阿吉特·派 上周升到了最高委员会的职位. 在11月对电信贸易组织的一次演讲中, Pai声明, "的 FCC must aggressively use its statutory authority to ensure 那 local 政府ernments don't st和 in the way of broadb和 deployment." Local activities targeted by the FCC 将 likely include zoning measures, 获得通行权, 以及道路管理权收取的费用.

共青团和其他地方政府组织, 比如全国城市365足彩下载, will advocate for local control in multiple upcoming proceedings before the FCC, 包括提交评论以回应 这是基础设施提供商mobility的请愿书. 此外,365足彩下载可提名个人 宽频谘询委员会 formed by Chairman Pai on Tuesday 那 will likely lay the groundwork for future FCC actions to preempt local 政府ernments in this area. 我们欢迎你参与这些努力, 和 if you are interested in working with the League to submit comments, 或者在联邦通信委员会咨询委员会任职, 请电子邮件 艾琳Wynia.

For cities 和 towns wondering what legislation the League is following in this biennium of the General Assembly,
看看365足彩下载的在线账单追踪系统. 本届会议将提交数百项议案, 有了这个工具,你可以看到我们在积极监控什么, 以及我们标记为关键或高度重要的东西. 365足彩下载按重要性和主题对立法进行分类. 的 tracker also lists each bill's sponsor 和 to what committee it's been referred. 找到了市政当局的这一重要资源 在这里 或者在365足彩下载网站的“立法倡导”标签下, p8157.com.

A bill to provide property tax relief to disabled veterans in North Carolina is 在忧虑的社区制造新闻 这一公益事业也可能使公共服务的收入吃紧. 一些议员也表达了类似的担忧. hb2提供某些物业税减免 将, 作为申请, exp和 the property tax exemption for disabled veterans 和 creates a new property tax exemption for surviving spouses of certain emergency personnel, 比如执法部门. 这个提议来自 代表. 纳尔逊美元 凯里和共同发起人代表. 杰森Saine Lincolnton, Jon Hardister 格林斯博罗和 Rena特纳 斯泰茨维尔的, who've commented 那 the bill 将 help veterans who sacrificed in service to their country. 正如费耶特维尔观察家所指出的那样, disabled veterans currently are exempt from taxation on their homes' first $45,评估价值. 新提案将把豁免范围扩大到房屋的全部价值. In veteran-populous localities, 那 could create a noticable hole in revenue. 同一份报纸 后来报道代表. 约翰Szoka of Fayetteville didn't want to see the bill carry such consequences 和 emphasized 那 it could soften in scope through the legislative committee process. “我想我代表整个代表团说,我们站在你这边,众议员绍卡对当地官员说. 该法案目前正在讨论中 众议院州和地方政府第二委员会. 点击 在这里在这里 更多新闻报道.

州议会有了一位新成员. Democratic Party officials in New Hanover 和 Brunswick counties have picked Wilmington attorney Deb巴特勒 填补他们选区的空缺. “我将尽我最大的努力,以荣誉和尊严为您服务,《365体育足彩》在巴特勒当选后引述了她的话. 她搬到众议院填补了前任留下的空缺 代表. 苏西汉密尔顿, who resigned last week to serve as the state's new secretary of natural 和 cultural resources. 点击这里 新闻报道.

代表. 约翰•贝尔

State House Majority Leader 约翰•贝尔 highlighted the varying needs 和 qualities of localities across the state 在最近的内幕报道中 描述他的服务和优先事项. 新华社周二报道了这一消息 代表贝尔, of Goldsboro, had traveled the state prior to the 2016 election 和 gained valuable context. “在金斯顿行得通的方法可能不适用于夏洛特市中心. 在帕索坦克县行得通的在罗利行不通,该出版物引用了众议员贝尔的话. “每个地方都不一样,这是我们州的伟大之处. It's very unique, t在这里's all different dynamics throughout our state.“其中包括城乡的情况. 代表. Bell said a goal for legislators right now is to make sure urban areas can "prosper 和 grow" while ensuring strength for rural areas. He also said a personal goal is to make sure areas still hurting from Hurricane Matthew or the western wildfires get the relief they need.


Each year municipal officials join League staff for a great day of lobbying at the N.C. 在罗利举行的大会. 市政厅日, 定于今年3月29日举行, is the best way to discuss with state policymakers how your town is contributing to North Carolina's economy 和 serving the citizenry at home. 今天注册 确保你的社区得到代表.

市政厅日是365足彩下载标志性的365体育足彩活动. It balances informative advocacy training 和 sessions with networking opportunities to maximize your time in Raleigh. 的 morning is reserved for one-on-one meetings at the 立法 Building, 州参众两院制定法律的地方, while the afternoon allows for flexibility -- additional meetings with legislators, 出席立法会议, 与行政内阁官员的论坛, 晚上的招待会. Don't miss this chance to share your town's success stories 和 establish meaningful relationships with your elected officials. 点击这里 for a video recap of 2016's 市政厅日, which hundreds of municipal officials attended. 点击这里 现在注册.

由于一项法律挑战悬而未决. Roy Cooper's cabinet secretaries need Senate confirmation, leaders from 那 chamber 已经推出了确认时间表吗. 第一个接受审查的是前众议员. 拉里·霍尔在新州长上任后辞去了众议院席位 任命他为军事和退伍军人事务部部长. A law passed in December created a new procedure for filling the 政府ernor's cabinet seats, making appointments subject to the "advice 和 consent" of the Senate. 库珀州长认为这是违宪的. 参议院规则主席比尔·拉宾说 of Southport, a co-chairman on the cabinet nominations panel, told media outlets 包括美联社 那 the confirmation hearings aren't meant to be a political obstacle. 关注的焦点, 他说, 取决于州长的人选是否能胜任这个职位, 不要有利益冲突,并计划遵守法律. Governor Cooper is quoted as saying he wants his cabinet secretaries to work with legislators "at every turn" in the course of duty.

联邦政府 征求意见 从城市和其他利益相关者 智慧城市和社区联邦战略计划草案. "的 plan is intended to guide 和 coordinate federal initiatives 那 support smart city efforts, 包括智能电网, 公民服务, 联系运输, 和更多的,全国城市365足彩下载指出, 计划提交哪些意见相关 其最新报告《365体育足彩》." 的 draft plan comes from the National Institute for St和ards 和 Technology, part of the U.S. 商务部. From the draft's summary: "Smart city/community solutions are intended to enable new capabilities 和 opportunities—all in the face of limited budgets. 可能的应用有很多:公民服务, 智能电网, 智能交通系统, 远程医疗, 举几个例子.对该计划草案的评论将于2月6日截止. 28 to SCCTF@nitrd.政府.

的 deadline to apply for the North Carolina Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program has been extended to March 20. 该程序由N.C. 农村中心的N.C. 小型企业和技术中心以及联合国.C. 社区大学小企业中心网络, is meant to support small businesses impacted by October 2016's Hurricane Matthew. 点击这里 的信息.

Dobros和数据集有什么共同之处? 我们马上就知道了. 在 最新一集 的市政方程, 365足彩下载的双周播客, we talk with A'yen Tran 和 Jer Thorp of the New York-based Office for Creative Research to hear about their folksy initiative -- a finalist in the 2017骑士城市挑战赛——通过蓝草音乐加强公民参与. 迷惑? 好吧, the modern wave of data in municipal policymaking can sometimes mystify, 太, at least when put in the form of charts 和 graphs for public consumption. Could data-fied mountain string music -- 和 lessons from the past 那 changed the history of bluegrass -- strike a new chord? 并了解为什么这种新颖的方法是骑士城的决赛. 点击这里 对于所有过去的情节.